
Nov 11, 2020

cyber security

As technology advances onward with new inventions each month, the amount of revenue increases as well. But as everyone today has at least one electronic device, it might be linked to several places and accounts that can omit a danger zone.When people use the internet to access data and web accounts, they are either sharing the same network at a public area or using the WiFi connection at home. Sharing accounts or accessing the same server can link users a greater chance to publish and sell information over the internet. The internet can lead to several pot holes which may include identity theft, computer security, internet fraud, downloading and cyberbullying. Identity Theft is currently one of the quickest growing crimes that appears over the internet. Computer security must always be updated to the latest version of anti-malware. Internet Fraud or also commonly referred to as networking fraud is a type of hack that enables users to gain access to another person's account by utilizing information from the same network connection. Downloading programs can lead to a person agreeing to terms of use that will require them to share accounts in order to download music, games, etc. With an increase in technology, security should be one of the key priorities when it comes to attacks from identity theft, downloading, cyberbullying, internet frauds and computer safety today.

One of the most dangerous types of crimes that can occur online prior to cybercrime is identity theft. Identity theft occurs when a criminal steals data from another users account by hacking personal information from one account to the other on the same network connection. Prior to doing that, the hacker will get access to personal records that include credit card scores, social security numbers, etc. The enormous growth of Internet technology has made various resources on the Web instantly accessible to users. Now that the hacker has full authority to publish private information to the public if no one takes action against him. The criminal also has an advantage of using other persons account for opening up social security numbers, credit card accounts and even bank accounts. Technology, mainly the internet, facilitates more harming schemes that in many cases may result in financial losses and in some cases the victims of identity may experience difficulty obtaining credit or restoring their name. With identity theft, users can lose all of their data stored if they don't take the right security measures when it comes to a breach in the network servers.

Another important role when it comes to security is the safety of computers and their settings. Security is a big deal when it comes to computers. Always have an antivirus or antimalware program installed with the latest version updated. The bad guys constantly develop new ways to attack your computer, so your security software must be up-to-date to protect against the latest threats. Run scans on daily use to remove malware, and retain hackers from accessing the firewall. Never purchase security software that will contain pop ups which can ask for emails and scams that can lead to a hacker asking for private information. Scanners send messages like these to try to get you to buy worthless software or worse to break and enter your computer. Never give out information to strangers. They will use that information, like social security number, credit cards, ids, etc. and sell it to the public for good fortune. Hackers will also wipe out all of the information after receiving it from the users private information. Users should always have their firewall turned on and to never allow access from an unknown source. An unknown source can have dangerous items that can cause users to lose access to folders and other databases important to them.

Users should also be aware if a breach in the internet occurs. This means that there is a possibility that a hacker might be entering codes, information from his computer using the users router and location. Federal Law defines computer fraud as the use of a computer to create dishonest misrepresentation of fact as an attempt to induce another to do so or refrain from doing something which causes loss. Once the hacker has received the information from the user, he can then send software codes straight into the bank, which will then identify the suspect who is presented in the pictures. Researchers have developed a new type of act that will help eliminate the spread of frauds over internet servers that can lead to serious bank account controls and the use of private social security numbers. The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act(CFAA) prohibits intentionally accessing a computer without authorization, but fails to define what without authorization means. With this act approved, the percentage of users hacking into another account would be lowered.

Another case closely relatable to causes of cybercrime would be cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Many teenagers and adults have grown a habit where they would use mobile phones, computers and other electronic devices to contact each other. Whether it would be through social media or cell phones, sometimes a situation between two people might get serious and offending. Cyberbullying can include: posting a bad, uncomfortable picture on social media, setting up a fake profile picture or recieve mean and arrogant text messages from one another. Cyberbullying can also lead to selling and posting pictures and statistics over the internet that can cause a persons information to spread worldwide with millions accessing it. Kids who are cyberbullied are more likely to use alcohol and drugs, skip school, receive poor grades and have a lower self-esteem. The use of communication devices or the internet to verbally abuse or threaten another individual was in a persons life when it is not taken seriously. Cyberbullying will occur every day twenty four seven and has the benefits of reaching children when they are alone. Messages and pictures that get sent unidentified are harder to track down who the messenger is. Deleting unsuitable context from social media, text messages and pictures can be much harder than deleting it from personal library. An image or text that has been published to social media websites will remain permanent even after it gets deleted.

Technology requires a good amount of protection in order for crimes not to be shown. Technology is mankinds best friend and will need backup if danger ever shows up. A breach in the computer system can lead to stolen information and identity that will result in identity theft, cyberbullying, computer fraud, and security fissures. With a measurable amount of security risks, humans can protect their electronic devices from unwanted items by installing the latest antimalware program on their computers or any other device. Security is an important step towards protecting account information, passwords, credit cards and bank account statements. Take measurable caution or hackers will wipe out information that can never be seen again. As years go by, more and more people will start to rely on their mobile devices. They will be using them to: contact one another, send files, complete tasks, watch movies, etc. However, the risk of hacking will increase due to a larger sharing network and easier access. Mankind should not let anyone control their private information and definitely not let anyone gain access to it to share it via internet. Whatever gets posted online will be permanently stored and will not be deleted even after seleting the delete option.