
Written by Zdravko Bozhkov who lives and works in Atlanta, GA building useful things. You should follow them on X.

  • IoT Devices
    Nov 18, 2020
    As more and more connected devices are being produced on a daily basis, the rise of smart devices are being readily available in the hands of consumers and businesses alike.
  • The History of Biomedical Imaging
    Sep 23, 2020
    Biomedical imaging dates to the late 1800s from the discovery of X-rays. The founder, Wilhelm Rontgen, a physicist introduced the idea of radiographs, an image composed from radiation, emitted onto a screen.
  • Autonomous Vehicles
    Feb 10, 2021
    Autonomous Vehicles are certain types of vehicles that are capable of performing similar actions compared to humans in operating driverless technology through the ability to sense it's nearby surroundings.
  • Blockchain Technology
    Dec 14, 2020
    Over the last decade, as more and more technological resources become publicly available, payment systems are still trying to catch up with other trends in the technology market, competing with one another.
  • CyberCrime
    Nov 11, 2020
    As technology advances onward with new inventions each month, the amount of revenue increases as well. But as everyone today has at least one electronic device, it might be linked to several places and accounts that can omit a danger zone.
  • Segmentation
    Dec 22, 2020
    A brain tumor is the occurence in which a vast number of abnormal cells grow inside the brain.
  • Smartwatch Technology
    Mar 14, 2021
    One of the first ever watches created was being shown in the 16th century that demonstrated the motion of two needles referred to as spring-driven clocks.
  • Design Patterns
    May 30, 2021
    Terms every graphic designer should understand and apply when working with prototypes, applications, sketches, and more. In this post I have summarized the most useful and provocative terms that will indeed help improve performance, memorization, knowledge, and work environment.
    Nov 11, 2020
    ASP.NET is a type of web service that is used throughout the course of making web applications, and it can also be tied to the concept of Object Oriented Programming.
  • Virtual Reality
    Dec 02, 2020
    Ever since the invention of augmented reality came into play on mobile devices, virtual reality has been making a breaking innovation in compatibility, portability, speed, and accuracy.
  • JavaScript Frameworks
    Mar 08, 2023
    JavaScript frameworks are powerful in a sense that these tools can help developers create complex web applications in an instance.
  • The Magic of JavaScript
    Apr 20, 2023
    Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there was a young prince named Jack who loved to play with code.
  • Exploring the Possibilities of ChatGPT
    May 06, 2023
    ChatGPT is a cutting-edge natural language processing technology that has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with every day devices.

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© 2023, Zdravko Bozhkov.